Homebrew Bionics: The project explores various design approaches to lower-limb prosthesis and proposes a low-cost, rapidly fabricable prosthetic solution with economic, indigenous materials and a culture-specific design for developing countries.
OSLsim: A ROS package that provides the necessary interfaces to simulate the Open-source leg (OSL) proposed by the Neurobionics Lab at the University of Michigan to unify the research field of prosthetic leg controls.
Anton: an open-source generative design framework built on Blender, the open-source 3D creation suite. At its current stage of development, anton uses a narrow-band topology optimization methodology as a design generator and uses implicit surfaces for mesh generation.
Ibex: a unique unmanned ground vehicle with a dynamic wheelbase and an adaptive thrust based friction optimization scheme that aids in the traversal of steep slopes and slippery surfaces. The vehicle is capable of adapting itself to the surface topography using an impedance-based stabilization module to minimize the mechanical oscillatory transients induced during its motion.
Dynamic Modulation of Human Interactive Robots using Impedance Control: Human-robot interaction is prominently seen in industries, haptics etc. where the underlying objective is to make the robot assistive in nature to the human. A methodology is proposed herein to improve the assistive nature of the robot by reducing the inertia felt by the human. An impedance controller is presented to modulate the dynamics of the manipulator and assign an apparent inertia to the robot.
Spec-Shield: a curvature adjustable face shield that tackles undesirable reflections and can be mounted on spectacles.
Arboc: The project focuses on modelling the dynamics of underwater robots and to simulate, validate and develop a biomimetic snake-robot which is robust enough to carry out underwater exploratory tasks.
Armadillo: a wheel capable of varying its radius over a range of values using a novel transformation mechanism. The transformation occurs without any additional actuators which enhances its maneuverability.
uw_dynamics: A gazebo package containing plugins capable of simulating underwater biomimetic robots in fluids of various densities and even aerial biomimetic robots.
Import-G-code: Imports G-code files into Blender 2.80+ as a collection of layers which can then be animated or exported. | Blendmsh: A bridge between Blender 2.80+ and Gmsh, a fast and light 3D finite element mesh generator. |